A Quick Word about Fiasp

When the endo told us about this new amazing insulin that was going to come out over 6 months ago, we were really excited. We are told so many things about how the newest devices and insulin are going to be SOO amazing that I'll admit, I was kinda skeptical. The endo handed us a free sample a little over a month ago and I am very happy to say that I absolutely LOVE this new insulin!

We have been using it in Emily's pump now for about a month. The first thing I did was dial all her settings back. WAaaay back. I was scared that just a tiny bit would have her bg plummeting. I was wrong. I know several people so far that have been using Fiasp. Some hate it some love it. Here is what we have experienced so far......(your diabetes may vary)

I have always tried to pre bolus for Emily's meals. I'll admit I'm not always good at it. Mostly because when she wants to eat, the food starts going in the mouth much faster then me and my trusty Ping remote. I'm lucky if I can check her bg before her first bite. This is where Fiasp shines for us. It starts working within 10-15 minutes. This has made post meal spikes so much easier to control. She didn't even go over 300 for the first 2 weeks!
This also means those stubborn highs have been a lot easier to control as well. Where Fiasp hasn't worked super great is the highs caused by a pump site that has decided to crap out early. Or under bolusing because I wasn't sure if I was giving too much insulin for a food I wasn't as familiar with. She did spike high but getting her down did take considerably less time then before.
Maybe I'm imagining it but I do believe her temp basals are kicking in much faster then ever before as well.

So here a month later and we have fought with the insurance company and worked diligently with her endo to make insurance cover the cost, as going back to Novolog is not going to happen. It has been so much easier to keep Emily in range. Her over night bgs have greatly improved. I returned her pump setting almost back to where they were before we started and I am no longer afraid of this amazing new insulin.

I am actually looking forward to her next endo visit to see how we've done. Who ever says that??


  1. This is wonderful news! (This is Missy in Nashville.) I hope your insurance company does the right thing!

    1. With the help of Emily's endo we now have a prescription. Woohoo!!!


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