The Search for Compassion. Job Hunting.

So it happened. I was laid off from a job I have been with for almost 6 years. A job that allowed and understood the need for me to take care of my daughter. So here I am looking for another job that will allow me to do the same.
Right now it feels impossible. How do explain to a potential employer that you are going to be a dedicated employee but you need to watch over your child at the same time? Most places won't allow cell phones by your side. Most jobs don't care that I have a special circumstance. Honestly I feel lost.

I had one interview that I was fully honest about my situation. I have a child with Type one. I need to watch her via my cell phone as she is completely unable to make any decisions herself and is unaware of what to do. I need to be able to reach out to the school nurse/ FASA if necessary. Yet I am still able to be a productive employee.
Yeah....I never got the job. In fact I got a instant reply of "we've decided to go with someone else."

I see now why ALOT of  D mom's do not work. In my case I need to work. Those pump and Dexcom supplies, let alone endo appointments and insulin do not pay for themselves.
How do you explain that your child absolutely needs you to a potential employer? If I don't say anything and get the job, how will I explain it then? Do I just not say anything? Do I make the situation seem not so serious?

I cannot just let school handle my daughter all day and not watch over her. We have had too many situations of extreme and very scary lows and extreme highs. I put my daughter in safe key where NO ONE watched over her. She is too busy playing to understand she is 40 with double arrows down. She will ignore her phone to play with friends and a few times I about had a complete freak out as I could not get a hold of her or the safe key staff.

Finding a job is tough enough, then you throw this in the mix and all I can do is just hope some one out there will understand.


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