I had Covid and a child with Type One.
Well, it happened. The moment I have been terrified of for the past year. I washed my hands for 20 seconds. Wore a mask. Stayed away from friends, gatherings, and unnecessary shopping. Still it happened. So how you may ask, did it happen? A coworker who was not as careful. A coworker who felt it wasn't necessary to not come into work after someone tested positive in their household.
So here I am, now day four from the spare room.
The first night was awful. My daughter's site failed. Her insulin mysteriously gone bad in the course of a day and a half. I woke my husband once, twice...six times. Every hour alerting him from 8 ft away, mask on, that Emily needed a site change. Followed by two boluses. Followed by a cartridge change. Followed by more boluses. Helpless. Unable to touch my own sleeping child. I had to just sit back and return to my imprisonment and watch the number on the blaring dexcom climb higher and higher. It was the worst feeling. After 6 years of being the super D mom I couldn't do a damn thing but watch.
I know I am lucky to have a husband who can help, who will help. But I have always been the one who springs into action. The one who daily micromanages every number, every bolus, every aspect of diabetes. And now I am merely a spectator. There are so many D mom's and D dad's that have to do all of this on their own. So what do you do when you, the only caretaker have Covid and your child with a compromised auto immune disease does not?? My heart goes out to anyone facing this right now.
We have all seen and read how terrible this would be if our type one's in our life were to get Covid. So I stay away. Far away. I won't get anywhere within 8 feet or more of her, which in itself is punishment enough. I wipe down everything I touch as if I am diseased. I lysol the doorhandles, toilet seat and flusher. Anything I actually touch gets wiped down immediately. I'm spraying lysol with reckless abandonment on everything. Including the room I am not allowed to leave. The window stays wide open every though its winter and I am freezing to get constant fresh air. I won't let my husband come into my room now that he put a tray table outside the door. And anything on the tray gets wiped down after I touch it. That clever guy even set it so the two echo's we have, work as a walkie talkie so I don't have to open the door to talk. But its hard. I am alone. (Cue the "All by myself" song here).
Although I am lucky to only have mild symptoms I am doing anything and everything to keep Emily safe. Its the least I can do.
This is not a whoa is me type of rant. I want people to really understand how serious this is. Especially for our type one community. I am extremely lucky and have zero to complain about. Someone with a compromised immune system may not be. Yes I wore a mask and still got Covid, and I will CONTINUE to wear a mask because my doing so could protect someone else. See, it's not about YOU! It's about protecting others. This world needs to be less selfish. Less me, me, me. Let's think about others and our loved ones, your loved ones.
Be kind, be thoughtful. BE SAFE. 💙
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